Patch to ifstat to Prevent Scrolling
Current Version: 1.0 (patch is for ifstat 0.5)
Date Modified: Jan 7, 2002
This patch is for ifstat, the wonderful GPL bandwidth utilization tool by Gaël Roualland. The patch will provide a new command-line switch (-S) which can be used to disable the scrolling of the ifstat output, providing a nice, clean, one line info display. The patch was created against version 0.5 of ifstat. The patch was authored by me (Joe Laffey). So send complaints/praise about it to me.
This patch should be applied to a clean copy of ifstat 0.5. Note that this patch also provides a quick fix to allow ifstat to be compiled on Mac OS X (Darwin). To compile on OS X you will still need to use the --without-ifmib --with-kvm options to configure. The patch has been tested on Mac OS X 10.2, NetBSD 1.6, and Linux.
In order to maximize portability and speed this patch prevent scrollback by erasing the current line. Thus, if you have so many interfaces being displayed that they exceed one line it most likely will not work correctly. (This would be rare.) I am considering making a version that would use ncurses in order to display a "history" of usage much in the same way the unix "w" command shows the load avergaes over the last 1, 5 and 15 mins (depending on the system). So there would be three or so values diaplyed and updated for each interface. These would tell the network load average over the last N minutes. If you like this idea, please email me and tell me so.
For info on using ifstat with BitchX to keep if stats in the BitchX status line see this page from dre.
What you need:
How to use the patch:
- ifstat_no_scroll-1.0.gz
(USA-Local HTTP Server)(<1K) - GZIPed patch file
- ifstat_no_scroll-1.0.gz
(USA-Local FTP Server)(<1K) - GZIPed patch file
Revision History
- Initial public release
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